Dare to take decision!
How many of today’s managers dare to take decisions to unambiguously move their businesses towards higher operational efficiency? Away from outdated by-the-book thinking… By prudently, yet affirmatively implementing SCORE! The Smart COst REduction. And, as a result, expect significant measurable influence on long-lasting improvement of productivity? How many management boards dare not to do this? Aaand…, be honest - how many really did it? All the way?
Take a chance on change!
Have you already faced the biggest challenge when implementing something new and different? Our inner mindset fears failure and thus prevents us from making progress (G. Kasparov). Because (business) innovators’ enemies are all those who have done well under the old conditions and lukewarm defenders are those who may do well under the new (N. Machiavelli)… But already intuitively it surely must be insane doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results (A. Einstein). So, after we successfully overcame our internal fear of change, we find out that a real lever to shift the company’s business from hinges of present operational mediocrity and move it towards operational excellence to burst competitiveness is – the SCORE – all the way to the Matrix.

But… control the change!
Don’t do it “just as another” out-of-the-box approach. Even or especially if recommended by an advisor that might follow his not your philosophy of change. And will charge you time spent with you and not the solution he should leave you with (and my sincere apology to those few good one out there). Lesson? Don’t do it in a uniformed way… Do it in a uniform style, thinking of your company as a whole, as a living organism!
Ask yourself: Is it really the right time for a clear cut with the past? And to take 2, 3 or 4 years for completing a classic approach of business process reengineering as a substitute to our proposal? Or to change from traditional functional to fancy process organization in just one jump? Would you find it sustainable for the company to implement change without “saving” all the good things of the past and present? Do you dare to open another battle field while your colleagues are fighting everyday battles to preserve that company’s very best, what survived more than half the decade of the ongoing recession?
Do the right thing (first time right)!
Business proposal to you is straight: DO THE CHANGE! But do it right. And “right” really doesn’t mean slowly – there is not much time left... So, let’s SCORE the MATRIX. Combine what works with what will work even better!
Upgrade and share what works!
Yes, at first and most trivial - let’s do the procurement negotiations and internal proposals for measures of cost rationalization, two parts of the SCORE! toolkit. But more important, let’s go for the essence of the company, the inner organization. Traditionally, companies are organized within boxes and connected with lines. Even though we know that while chasing the results, we daily communicate, cooperate and function as a matrix! That means we interact not only vertically with our boss, but also with colleagues of other boss(es). Because we want that the processes flow smoothly, effectively, bringing us at most RESULTS at minimum use of always rare resources and therefore lowest COSTS. So… let’s adapt our organization!
Read how to do it in our next blog! We will set the map to let Divisions go (common functional organisation) and welcome Matrix in a simple way.
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