sobota, 8. februar 2014

Do you know how to answer 5 simple Why's? And when you do that…5 more W's?

We use it. What about you?

5 Why's analysys is one of the most important and simple methods for finding and eliminating the root causes of our daily issues in private and professional life. It is almost innate way of thinking that already our three-year-olds  and their continuous Why-s of everything master. It has a long history and is worldwide spread. In Slovenia is used rarely or inconsistently. It was first used by Toyota that is known to establish also other simple ways of managing company’s challenges and processes. Already in year 1950 Toyota wanted to find out and eliminate the “right” causes in car manufacturing. And that after other more famous and eminent methods did not do their job right (example Ishikawa diagram ) 

How does it work?

The method is in its essence a way of asking questions. For every issue we ask Why and look for answers as long as the issues are decomposed in a clear causes that can be handled individually. In every stage when the “final” answer to the question Why is reached, we design the solution and conclude the analysis.

What is the last time that you adjusted the mirror?
One of possible situations, in which companies today find themselves, is presented bellow in the example. Sounds familiar? What is the last time that you analyzed your business? Where lay the reasons for the market position and business operation health? What can you do right away to improve it and what must wait. Let’s have a look.


When finished with Why’s and finding Because’s, we have to design the solutions by answering a new set of questions: 5 W’s (What, How, Who, When, Where).

As a whole our example has one and only conclusion: systematic rationalization of costs, processes and organization. In this way conditions will be establish that enable better understanding of customers, cost effective product offerings (from our and customer’s view) that respond best to the customers’ needs and consequently better profitability demanded by owners.

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